I first noticed this effect when I was updating a website that I built a long time ago. In other words, when the scrollport has reached its scroll boundary. However, this article focuses on scroll bouncing when you scroll to the very top or very bottom of a web page. You can see a similar effect happen in CSS scroll-snapping between elements. Scroll bouncing (also sometimes referred to as scroll ‘rubber-banding’, or ‘elastic scrolling’) is often used to refer to the effect you see when you scroll to the very top of a page or HTML element, or to the bottom of a page or element, on a device using a touchscreen or a trackpad, and empty space can be seen for a moment before the element or page springs back and aligns itself back to its top/bottom (when you release your touch/fingers). A good understanding of this effect is very helpful for building or designing any website that has fixed elements. The CSS property, overscroll-behavior, which was implemented in Chrome on December 2017 and in Firefox on March 2018, is also described in this article. It contains reviews of several different solutions that are suggested on the web that can be used to prevent scroll bouncing. If you continue to have problems, contact your Chromebook manufacturer.This article describes the effect of scroll bouncing and how it works on different web browsers.If you leave the window, you’ll receive a message that says, " Keys aren’t tested when you’re using another window." The test can’t continue until you return. Be sure to stay in the same window while you test.From the dropdown, select Diagnostics Input The internal keyboard.If you still have trouble after trying these steps, contact your Chromebook manufacturer. If the owner account has problems, perform a factory reset on the Chromebook.Complete a hard reset on your Chromebook hardware.

If the keys work, delete the account that has the problem on your Chromebook and then add it again. Use the keys while you browse as a guest.Turn off the Chromebook and then turn it back on.If you have other problems with your keyboard, try these steps: For example, if the back button on a web page is gray, the browser isn't aware of a page to move backward to. If the backward or forward buttons don't work, check if the same icons in a browser window are grayed out. If the volume or brightness keys don't work, you might be at the upper or lower limit for that setting. Turn off Personal information suggestions.